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Our Cooperative Book

Inadvertently, even this book was a cooperative effort! Architecture students from Tuskegee University and Auburn University (the only two architecture programs in AL) worked with the Local Restaurant Co-op for a semester to envision a community restaurant for Selma in the historic Sullivan Building. The book includes professional drawings, but also sums the history up well, including key connections it has to Black history in Selma, from the Courageous 8 and Amelia and Samuel Boynton, to Dr. Bernard Lafayette and SNCC (the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee).


See the book below that the Local hopes the community might bring to life at some point--our plan (disrupted by COVID-19 up till now) has been to have participatory input sessions for the community, to see what they envision for this building. We extend our deep gratitude to Dr. Kwesi Daniels, Dept. Head of Architecture at Tuskegee, and Prof. Kevin Moore, Chair of Interior Architecture at Auburn--and their amazing students!--for partnering with us on this ongoing project.

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