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2020 - Collards + trailer shot



At the Winter 2020 collards sale for the Local Farm Co-op.

Photo by Farm Board Member, Co-Farm Manager, & Worker-Owner, Drew Glover.

Our Story

Our Story & Work...

​"the Local Cooperative" is short-hand for two food-related cooperatives (co-ops) which were incorporated as cooperative businesses in 2018 & are located in Selma, AL: the Local Farm Cooperative & the Local Restaurant Cooperative. They are organized using fundamentals of cooperative economics, namely shared/democratic ownership & democratic control, & are committed to fighting the general & the racial wealth gaps.


The co-ops are in development & will grow & shift as our pilot phases continue to unfold (learn about our people & the Local Farm Board here). Our origin story dates back some years & has evolved along the way as a labor of love & commitment, but includes initial incubation support from the Selma Center for Nonviolence, Truth & Reconciliation & gifts of time, treasure & talent by plenty of others. This is our rough working model as of now:

the Local Co-op infographic.JPG
Volunteer / Join us

Interested in helping us build this work & the local economy, or just want to learn more? Contact us at or 334-526-0615--we are looking for:


  • Volunteers for both co-ops

  • Additional owners of the co-ops (worker-owners, community-owners, & chef-owners)

  • And anyone interested in food, culture, farming, & everything in between...

Our Community


Our Community...



See more videos for

the Local Restaurant Co-op

by clicking here...

A scene from our Chef & a Show series, this one with Chef Callie Greer telling a story behind one of her famous dishes.



Find out more about the Rotating Chef & a Show Series here, where you can also see any other upcoming & past events for the Local Restaurant Cooperative.

  • Facebook - Black Circle

Restaurant Co-op

  • Facebook - Black Circle

Farm Co-op

  • Instagram - Black Circle
Instagram name.png
Our Future?

Our Future?

Our future is evolving from month to month, "we make the road by walking" as the late Brazilian educator Paulo Freire put it--want to be part of figuring out & doing this work? Contact us at or 334-526-0615, we'd love to hear from any & everyone. See our above list here to learn some of the type of volunteers, co-op owners, & others we're looking for to join us in this work, & check out the rest of our website using the menu at the top or by following these links to see:

  • our shop here,

  • the book we put together with our partners at Tuskegee Univ. & Auburn Univ. here,

  • more about our people here, &

  • some media coverage & videos about our work here, &

  • how to donate here!

As shown above, these are some of the types of work we currently are experimenting with, or are considering experimenting with, in the two co-ops:

the Local Co-op infographic (no motto).J
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